The Choir

All Saints has a well established traditional choir who meet for practice on Thursday evenings and sing at our services, often with regular anthems. If you feel you would like to join our choir please either speak to our Musical Director, Brian Graves, or alternatively contact our Parish Office.


Modern Christian Music at All Saints Church 


If you or your children are musicians, either established or new to an instrument, we welcome you to join our church band, Rock Shop. We play at monthly 10 am Sunday family services and are having fun building our repertoire of more modern Christian music which our congregation enjoy singing. Our musicians include adults and children who all enjoy playing together as well as developing their musical skills.   Practise nights are Thursdays at 8pm.


One of our early highlights was to play during a service attended by Bishop Andrew. He enjoyed the variety of traditional and modern music and commented that he would be happy to worship at All Saints.  


For further information regarding joining the band or any events please contact Christine Dunford (