The Larchfield Mission

An update from Fr. Jeremy 2015

The ministry at Larchfield has developed through building links with neighbouring parishes and ecumenically alongside River Church. Every 6 weeks a group of people meet at All Saints vicarage to discuss the hopes for ministry in the community.
At the school a team of people from churches across the town are now in the 7th year of sharing Open the Book. This is a wonderful opportunity to share the stories from the Bible through acting, reading and mime. It also offers the chance to involve children and they particularly enjoy the opportunity to play a role in front of their friends.
For the last 4-5 years a group of people (again from churches across the town) have planned a summer club at the school. This has involved creative activities, singing, sports, with a biblical theme running through it. Alice Gilbert the URC youth worker has been outstanding in the role of planning the material and we hope that this ministry will continue to flourish.
River Church has been superb in their mission activities in Larchfield. Larchfield Open Table which has been running for over 2 years through the support of an ecumenical team and has been sharing activities, hot meals, a Biblical story and offers a chance for people to share concerns and prayer needs. Linda from the River Church has developed this project with the support of Alice and folk from food share providing the meals. It is good to be able to report that a good number from All Saints do offer support at LOT.
Another area of ministry is the Larchfield Care Home where Elizabeth Bryson has developed a wonderful pastoral ministry to the people there. Elizabeth offers a service every fortnight but also visits between 15-20 residents in their rooms to pray with them individually. The home now consider Elizabeth to be their chaplain and this has developed further with Elizabeth and Fr Neil offering support to people at the end of their lives.
During the last couple of years the ministry team have offered a Christmas club in early December. Alice again offers the material and helpers support the activities for the children.
River Church apart from running a very successful weekend of activities in August are now running a Mothers’ and Toddlers group, an Easter event and are looking to run a Messy Church in the future.
It is exciting to be a part of this shared ministry.
With my prayers,
Fr Jeremy